The European Qualification Framework and the European System for transfer of credit points in Vocational Education and Training, in the context of the wider reforms at European level.
ECVET points: 3.5
Target groups
Staff in secondary and post secondary vocational education and training.
- Directors / headmasters
- Heads of pedagogical departments
- Staff responsible for training programmes
- Staff responsible for transnational cooperation and students mobility
- Teachers
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the training course, the participant is expected to:
- Have acquired the necessary knowledge of European policies and evolution in the field of vocational education and training
- Be able to design training courses using learning outcomes
- Be able to structure the contents of the training courses in units of learning outcomes and assign ECVET credit points
- Presentations
- Case studies from European projects and existing training programmes.
- Workshops for the practical implementation of the methodology in real training programmes. For the workshops, the participants are asked to select training programmes (existing or under design)
Thematic units
- European context in education and training
- European Qualifications Framework
- ECVET units of learning outcomes
- ECVET credits and credit points
- ECVET partnerships
- Development of a training course, following the principles of ECVET
Learning material
The learning material consists of presentations, legislation, reports and guides produced by European Commission and Cedefop in English language.
Tuition fee: 400 euro per person
The cost includes the learning material and the certificates: Certificate of completion, Europass Certificate Supplement, Europass Mobility.
The cost can be funded by Erasmus+ programme KA1 mobility of staff.
Cultural activities (optional)
- a walking tour of Piraeus and welcome dinner,
Indicative menu: Cretan salad, zucchini fritters, sausage, cretan grilled cheese, cretan meat balls, pork slow roasted in the oven with sauce and herbs, served with mashed potatoes flavoured with mushroom truffle, traditional cretan pasta, dessert, wine / raki
PRICE per person: 25 euros (beer or other drinks are not covered, except those mentioned above)
- a guided tour of Athens, visit to Archaeological sites,
It includes: The Acropolis hill, Parthenon, the historical area of Plaka & Monastiraki: 3 hours guided tour
COST: 150€ divided to the number of participants. No transport costs or entrance ticket to Acropolis Hill are included.
- a common dinner in Athens,
Indicative menu: Feta wrapped with honey and sesame, greek salad, black eyed peas, octopus, calamari, cod croquettes, chicken strips, burger patties, orzotto with vegetables, wine and refreshments
PRICE per person: 30 euros (beer or other drinks are not covered, except those mentioned above)
The restaurants and menu may change depending on the availability and time of the year and the weather conditions.
The cost of local transportation and the entrance fees to sites and museums are not included.
Training sessions
Upon request
Further information
Lila Anthopoulou, tel: +30 2104286227, e-mail:
Very interesting and well designed course that is appropriate to experts with all levels of knowledge!
Dilyan, National Agency For Vocational Education And Training, Bulgaria
Everything was PERFECT!
I am satisfied with all the course.
János, Váci Szakképzési Centrum, Király Endre Szakközépiskolája, Szakiskolája és Kollégiuma, Hungary
It was usefull and i gained a lot.
Andreas, M.M.C. Management Centre, Cyprus
I recommend this course to all who are interested for international mobility
Krunoslav, Elektrostrojarska škola Varaždin, Croatia
The course was very useful and helpful for all interested in mobility programmes. The social events were very nice and well organised
Dubravko, Elektrostrojarska škola Varaždin, Croatia
It has been a very satisfactory meeting enabling us to put in common our expectations
Isabel, FFE, Spain
This learning experience was extremely positive as it provided me with the necessary information to deal with the procedures and documents on ECVET necessary for our common project.
Teresa, FORAVE, Portugal
Course helps a lot to put things into perspective
Jose, FFE, Spain
Great work with interaction, communication and common understanding
Konstantinos, IEK DELTA, Greece
Course Features
- Lectures 23
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 5 days
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes
Day 1
- Presentation of participants
- Expectations from the training course
- Introduction to the training course, syllabus, methodology, learning outcomes
- The Lisbon strategy and the Copenhagen process
- Introduction to European Qualifications Framework
- Main principles, EQF levels
- National Qualification Frameworks
- Case studies of NQFs, similarities and differences
- Description of qualifications – examples
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5